Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Iraq Distraction

A while back I wrote-"To an extent, I agree with the Left’s claim that Iraq is a distraction in the War on Terror, in that it is distracting the terrorists from attacking us here at home."

Now it seems our 4 year sojourn in Saddam's former bastion is distracting many in Congress from doing what they were elected to do: their job! The Dems are missing a golden opportunity to prove they can govern better than the Republicans, and are botching it big time. Now they are conducting what is for all sense and purposes a "publicity stunt", perhaps hoping they won't lose the respect of their radical Left-wing Base. Meanwhile, as the following posts prove, they aren't accomplishing anything, let alone out-governing the Right:

The most “do-nothing” Congress of all

Dems Lament "Do-Nothing Congress"

300 Investigations. 1 Major Law Passed.

Congress' Approval lowest in Gallup history