Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Admiral Fallon Denies Conflict with Petraeus

The widely reported rift between General David Petraeus and his immediate superior at CentCom, Admiral Fallon is untrue, according to Navy Times:

Fallon was clearly irked by the stories about his supposed
disagreements with Petraeus over the pace of that withdrawal and all-around
disdain for the Army general published in outlets ranging from The Washington
Post to various blogs. One story cited an unnamed senior official who said “bad
relations” between Fallon and Petraeus was the “understatement of the century.”
Another quoted Pentagon sources as saying Fallon openly derided Petraeus during
their first meeting last March after Fallon took the CentCom reins.
latter story particularly galled Fallon, who called it “scurrilous,” adding that
the characterizations of a dysfunctional relationship with Petraeus are “just

Lack of fact-checking is an ongoing issue for these major news outlets. But as long as they plant a seed doubt, it will be enough for their agenda. Still, the Coalition to win the war is strong!

Thanks to Information Dissemination for the tip!