Thursday, July 20, 2006

Masada's Heirs

Rather than being destroyed by the Islamo-Fascists, Israel will bring about the demise of the radicals, says Beryl Wajsman:

Israel, this tiny bastion of liberty, is to these Islamo-Fascists what republican Spain was to Hitler. But unlike the Spanish Republicans Israel will not fall. If the western world flags in its support for a sister democracy, its own consciences will.
Israel understands full well the meaning of "carpe diem" seize the day! That precisely at a time of siege, a free people must seize the tide and turn it towards the destruction of the mightiest walls of oppression. To keep faith with the immortal words of Thomas Jefferson to "pledge eternal vigilance against any attempt at tyranny over the mind of man"

Everyone knows the story of the 900 Jewish rebels who fortified themselves on the mountaintop of Masada and killed themselves rather than submit to Roman domination. Today, Israeli tank commanders take their oath on that mountaintop with the pledge that "Masada shall never fall again."!

Israel is actually doing Lebanon a favor in this renewed war, by ridding it of the pestilence of Hezbollah. As Charles Krauthammer says "The road to a solution is therefore clear: Israel liberates south Lebanon and gives it back to the Lebanese."