Thursday, July 20, 2006

No More Right or Wrong

Things sure have changed, beginning in the 1960's, according to Arthur Weinreb:

The world has changed a lot from the time when World War I and II were fought and this change could very well result in the downfall of civilization as we know it. The world is governed not by notions of right or wrong but is completely ruled by post 1960s notions of political correctness. Had political correctness been around during the first half of the last century we wouldn’t have had World II either. While the president of the United States would be making "Germans are a peaceful people" speeches, we would all be trying to understand exactly what poor Hitler’s grievances actually were. Why is he acting this way? No doubt his childhood would be found to have been a major factor. The media would be consumed with the tragedy that beset all of those poor peaceful Germans who were forced to leave their families and jobs to take part in the invasion of Poland or man the gas chambers. And the Allies would be cautioned at length not to participate in the war that would undoubtedly be constantly referred to as "immoral". Every death of a civilian would be treated as a reason why the war should be stopped. The only thing that would be missing in this scenario would be the fact that the state of Israel had not yet come into being to blame everything on.

I was watching the evacuations of US citizens from Lebanon on the news: seems like these ungrateful Americans who should never have been in a country half controlled by terrorists, were doing some Katrina-like complaining. It was all Bush's and Israel's fault, and not Hezbollah who started it.