Lebanese defeat an al Qaeda Stronghold
Here's a small but important victory in the War on Terror you might have missed, by Walid Phares:Today, the Lebanese Army completed its victory over the Fatah
al Islam forces in the Nahr al Bared stronghold in Northern Lebanon. The "little
brave force," backed by the country's civil society and by the Cedars Revolution
accomplished in one small area what major armies are hoping to achieve globally:
defeat al Qaeda. On this Sunday September 2, the Lebanese soldiers and officers
finally took the last bunker of the al Qaeda linked Jihadi terror
Bottom line: they won this one battle, by themselves with
their own arms, tanks, helicopters and more than a hundred casualties. This was
their Fallujah which they freed alone.
This is good news as more Arabs step up to drive the terrorist invaders from their homeland. Another setback for Iran, Syria and their accomplices in the region.